Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Walking on Eggshells

Just a quick update as I sit in my hospital bed.  This morning has seen additional bleeding (each bleed previously has been isolated so this is new). 

Its not much compared to the previous 3 but it is the 1st time the intial bleed has continued onto smaller bleedings.

I'm not sure what this means but for now I'm hurriedly emailing to tie off as many work loose ends as possible (yes, I'm still working :).

Hopefully things settle soon and if I'm still in the antepartum ward later today I will update (if I'm in L&D I'm stuck unable to provide much of an update - maybe I'll take this time to learn how to update using my phone :).



The Gerdon's said...

Thinking of you!!!

Anonymous said...


I felt butterflies just reading yesterdays blog! So glad to hear you guys are doing ok now. We check your site everyday - 7.5 days to go, time runs as always and your big date will be here soon (even if it doesn't feel like it!). We are thinking of you! Dwayne & Livy too.


Anonymous said...

Hello, My Dear
I am so happy - You and Baby are presently safe & secure in the Hospital. Is your Mom there? anyone? My thoughts and prayers go out to you! Keep smiling - Your support system surrounds you, always! On earth and above!! Love you, Auntie Bev