Sunday, July 24, 2011

Peri visit post small bleed

Well we slipped through the cracks last night.  I just met with the daytime Peri and apparently my bleed last night wasn't reported by the nurses.  Which I guess could be considered a good thing.

The Peri said that we'll keep coasting but next fresh bleed its an automatic delivery no matter how much I'm bleeding (its safe to assume that had they been notified its likely we would have delivered last night).  The rational behind it is "Why wait for me to lose more blood thus possibly requiring a transfusion.  A few days early at this point isn't worth that risk".

So we get a bit of a heads up (which is good for Dwayne and mom and Livy since there will be some preparation needed if we need to get everyone down here asap).  We know the minute I start to bleed we need to get everyone prepared (last night I just put them on standby to wait to hear back from me) and the support crew on route.


Lisa Spence said...

so grateful that you've been able to make it this far! hang in there momma!

Anonymous said...

I'm on pins & needles so can't imagine what you are feeling. As I said our thoughts are with you constantly. All the best, love Grandma Helen

Anonymous said...

We are all on stand by: waiting for the word "G0".
You have a great support crew for You and Baby Payton (You are in Awesome Hands). You are doing wonderful - awwwwwwesommmmme, Renee!!
With Love, Auntie Bev