Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March 24, 2009 - 19 week and 6 days

Did I mention that I'm paranoid?? Seriously, I'm completely and utterly freaked out about something going wrong AGAIN!!

That being said, I'm doing my best not to act paranoid. I've been doing tons of cross country skiing this winter, I've climbed the chief (well part of it) and been on copious walks. I've also asked Dwayne to set up my bike on the windtrainer so I can start spinning (when the weather warms up since I'm a suck right now with cold weather...its SPRING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! but that's for another day).

So on Saturday (19weeks 3 days) I spent a wonderful day in the city walking in the mall and then walking about 3.5-4 km to Costco. All in all it was about 7 hrs on my feet. My feet aside, by the 5.5 hr mark I started feeling noticeable braxton hicks and the occassional heavy pressure on my cervix. By the 7th hr (when I finally dragged myself into the car) the pressure on my cervix was heavy and constant.

I'll admit, in 0 to 60 I was in panic mode again. The last 3 days I've been on self perscribed bedrest and the pressure has eased (by today I can only feel it just a little bit). I was torn - do I call the doc and get labeled the "cry wolf" patient (worst case scenario if I do) or do I wait it out and go to my regular appointment on March 25th (and possibly suffer the drastic consequences of an Incompetent Cervix - very worst case scenerio).

Suffice to say I've decided to not physically panic (though inside I'm a bit of a basket case). I've had my feet kicked up, no dishes, no cooking, no cleaning and best of all, tons of computer time so that I can finally update this blog. Yay!!

Of course if all goes well it may be a while before I post again but as long as I'm taking it easy I'll be updating frequently I'm sure.

Friday, March 20, 2009

March 20, 2009 - 19 weeks and 2 days

Have I shared yet that I think I'm carrying a boy again???

Not sure if I shared that yet. Yup, I think its a boy. I think secretly the only healthy sperm Dwayne has are boy sperm so in my heart I think we'll have all boys (which I'm secretly very excited about - nothing worse that prissy screaming girls...I know this because I was one of them).

So that's what I've been thinking since about 13 weeks (when we learned the little parasite was a healthy parasite - recall we didn't think much of it prior to that).

Today, I may have been proved wrong (more than likely this possibility of proving me wrong will be incorrect, because I'm rarely wrong but for now I'm willing to admit that my mother's intuition is severely flawed).

We had our anatomy scan today. Everything looks fine except once again we're growing a big baby. At this time the boys were somewhere in the 87th percentile for size and this one is proving to follow that trend - only this one will have more room to grow...sort of like fish in a tank where the more room they have the bigger they get.

But I digress...

To start with the baby is alive. At this point that's all we care about. Everything else (10, 11 or 12 fingers and twos??) is gravy. Whatever it is or looks like we'll take it. So, with that mindset (not caring if it has a third nipple - which with our family history it probably does) we jumped right to the gender issue.

The first time the u/s technician scanned the boy/girl area she was slow and deliberate. The end result, I didn't see anything - aka - maybe girl*.

All in all - baby is doing great.

*Its important to point out that we had a 23w5d u/s with the boys and though Daniel was playing 'hard to get' the technician couldn't see anything. He determined Daniel was a girl. So, we've learned that 'not seeing anything' doesn't mean anything and my maternal instinct may bang on.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 12, 2009 - 18 weeks and 1 day

Confession time....

While traveling I indulged in just a little bit of raw seafood. Only from reputable locations of course!! Half of a raw scallop (not intentional) and just a few raw oysters - Yum!! (completely intentional).

I was hyper diligent the few days following and thought I was out of the listeria woodwork after about 3 days post oyster fest. But last week (March 6-7th) I had two days of excessive cramping. Moments where I was doubled over in pain and couldn't walk. I, of course, Google'd symptoms for listeria but found that adominal cramping was actually a secondary, less common, symptom and more common were headaches, fever and body aches. (Diagnosis: Ok, no listeria - just bad digestion.)

Now, I've been having headaches off and on since about week 12. NOT UNCOMMON -but two days ago they got bad. Tylonel didn't work. My body aches got bad and I don't have a thermometer to take my temperature but that doesn't matter...its Listeria mania all over again!!

I made it 24 hours before my fear outweighed my common sense of reality and I hauled arse down to the medi clinic for a listeria test.

Well after I was talked down from the listeria ledge the doc (fortunately) also included a full panel of bloodwork.

The good news is I don't have listeria. The even better news is that I'm iron deficient. Now, some of you may think "wait, isn't iron deficiency bad??". Not when they give you extra iron suppliments that take away your headache it isn't :).

So now I'm vamped up on iron pills and headache free (the aches are still there but I figure I'll take what I can get).