Saturday, June 11, 2011

What's for dinner dear?

So today I moved into my sister-in-laws apartment (the strep throat victim).  I'm very fortunate that she lives downtown so well within my limits to the hospital.

To make things even better, she's gone (nothing personal) and the fact that she's gone means that on Monday, when Wilma starts working again, we're going to bring Wilma and Livy down to stay in Vancouver for 3 days/2nights.  So not only am I no longer putting someone out (at this immediate point), I'm going to be able to spend some time with Liv (especially since I hear she's developing some bad habits since I've been gone - biting and pulling hair.  Hurting others is simply not acceptable and we want it to stop asap).

So my recent move has a few upsides.  The downside, is sister-in-law works hard and with 2 dogs doesn't have a lot of time for domestic duties.  Often this includes shopping (bare fridge), cooking or cleaning.  So I had to do a bit of house cleaning (not that I mind, that's not the reason I'm sharing this on today's blog - infact, I'm relieved to be of some help rather than simply a burden).

We hit Costco for some food to stock the fridge and while looking for room I noticed 3 dairy cartons (2 milk, 1 cream) of which 2 expired back in January and one in February - yikes.

Of particular interest was a caserole dish.  I knew there was a chance I wasn't going to like what was inside, but never in a million years did I expect this:

Suffice to say, my sister-in-law needs me - and I need her.  We're pretty much stuck with each other for the next 4 weeks so we may as well get comfortable - sort of like an old married couple.

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