Friday, June 24, 2011

32 weeks 6 days

As promised I said I would start updating daily (though today we do have a bit more info to share).

I want to start by thanking those who came to see me today (Megan and her mom) and Daniela who hasn't arrived yet but is expected to arrive in an hour armed with Greek food - mmm, so looking forward to it.

Best of all (not to minimize the other visitors) but I had a surprise visit from Dwayne and Livy.  What a huge surprise it was.  I'm still smiling though the visit did involve a few belly shots/nips by a somewhat overtired little girl.

On another note I again saw a peri today (as he made his rounds through the antepartum ward) and it was our friend (and so far fave peri) Dr. Butler.

Now, I believe I've mentioned this but it seems each time we have a discussion with a doctor, certain topics include differing opinions (ie the previa will correct itself, it won't correct itself).

Today was no exception for differing opinions though I kind of like the latter opinion we recieved today (like an athlete, your only as good as your last game).

We discussed possible early delivery due to the IUGR (since I had a few extra questions since reviewing some things).  Turns out that delivery WON'T depend on baby's growth.  It will depend on her twice a week ultrasounds (next one on Monday).  As long as her doppler scans and fluid remain normal then we'll keep going irrespective of her growth or lack of.

That's a huge comfort as we've dropped so quickly off her growth curve in 2 weeks, it seems likely she'll keep dropping.  So knowing that issues that have remained strong and healthy are the determining factors gives me a bit more confidence that we can coast for a little while now.

We've extended the next goal of 35 weeks to 37 :).

Another discrepency is my possible discharge date.   Yesterday I was told 48 hours after I stopped bleeding (which was Wednesday evening) but in the same conversation I was told Saturday or Sunday (since 48 hrs was Friday, I aimed for the middle and thought Saturday).

Today, Dr. Butler said he would like to see a week here which would be Monday and so he threw out Sunday or Monday.   I said I didn't care as long as we knew with a little bit of notice so we could plan transport.

The nurse came in today and told me its looking like Sunday.

Before signing off I wanted to share a picture Dwayne sent courtesy of Miss Olivia.  She's really into her bum cream (diaper cream) and apparently today she figured 'Baby Nee' needed to have bum cream on.  Apparently Dwayne only left her alone for 1 fraction of a second today and it just happened to be the most crucial second of the day.  The great thing is I don't have to clean it up :)


Lisa Spence said...

oh man, i love the bed time video. Livi melts my heart! so glad you are still doing ok and that it looks like you'll almost make it to term.

Hope you're loving the Greek food - Luke has been cooking which means I'm suddenly totally deprived of pasta, cheese and basically anything else that makes my world go around.


Unknown said...

Bum cream - kids are so into that stuff..and they always get it everywhere...weird. I should lock it up when I have kids...I'm so glad that we could come and visit and I'll get in touch with you about coming again soon! it really isn't that hard for me to get there from where I live. You have been really inspiring for me and comforting to talk to - I appreciate all of the chats that we've had - especially last year when I desperately needed someone to talk to.
You're the best.

Anonymous said...

hello, Renee
Great to hear that you have many visitors; no mention of Your Mom or Sister, Monique visiting you; do they visit you?
Lot of Love,
Auntie Bev