Saturday, June 4, 2011

Blogs we love

As some have notice I have begun incorporating CDH blog links to our own blog.    You'll notice that for now, these blogs heavily focus on CDH and though CDH is really only part of our Journey so far, it is currently a huge part and since I only learned to link blogs a few weeks ago, for now its the only thing I'm focusing on for links.

That's not to say that we don't love other blogs (un CDH related) and in time (when Dwayne learns how to do this) I'm confident you'll start to see other topics appear on our blog.

I've tried to keep the CDH blogs to ones that are a bit more relevent to our story (with an exception of baby Mattiaus - he's near and dear to my heart being one of the 1st CDH babies I learned about, very honoured that his mother was willing to share his story with us and offer us so much hope for Payton's future). 

Otherwise, we've tried to confine it to babies that are still in utero or babies that are fighting in the NICU.  It allows me to focus on other's journey's but still remain in the realm of what is consuming me, the latter part of my pregnancy (as we officially hit our 30 weeks and beyond today!!!), delivery and the looming and very intimidating NICU.  There are so many amazing CDH stories out there (and so much heartache) and its important to know, that despite the small list of stories on our blog, our list is just a small reflection of endless hope, success, triumph over the odds, heartwrenching loss and love. 

Thus, for those who are reading and are interested in learning about other scenerios (because each CDH baby/pregnancy is so very different) its a great, easy way at a click to read about others (and hopefully lend any support you can to those struggling whether its positive vibes, prayers, thoughts, or words of support).

Its also a great way to get an idea of what we have in store for us (for those who are interested in Payton on a more personal level).


Lisa Spence said...

Thanks for including us. I'm also going to link your blog on our page.


Angela, Tony, Mattiaus and Marcus said...

Thank you for the very kind words Renee!

And yes, CDH is a very devastating, misunderstood, and somewhat unknown defect however we have been priviledged to meet some of the most wonderful & compassionate families, including you and yours! We are sending you lots of good, good thoughts from Manitoba for the arrival of your baby Payton.

Take care, Angela & Baby Mattiaus