Sunday, June 26, 2011

33 weeks 1 day

Just a quick update and I'll update later on in the day with results.

I finally found out what the day will entail (again, differing information which has caused me to be a bit confused and wondering if they're getting their days mixed up or if I'm hearing the info incorrectly).

So I am NOT getting an ultrasound on Monday.  They are doing an ultrasound today prior to being discharged.  I'll also get a NST test before we go.

There are 3 things I'm going to watch for with my ultrasound.  No longer am I concerned with the Placenta Previa - that has dropped too far on our list of concerns (which is somewhat ironic since its what keeps me coming back to the hospital).

These are the things I'm looking for:

Amniotic fluid - they measure the 4 largest pockets (last time there were only 3 to measure) in the 4 'corners' of the uterus.  We want our amniotic fluid to be above 8 cm of combined fluid.  Last time we were between 11-12 (this was just from me watching the tech measure, no formal presentation of the numbers).

Abdominal Circumference - At 33 weeks the average AC is about 300 mm (or 30 cm).  The bottom of the curve is around 265mm (26.5 cm) so we want to be above 265.


Cervix Length:  Anything above 2.5 cm is considered good.  BUT I have always measured well above 4 cm.  The last ultrasound I measured 3.75 so I know its shortening (funneling I believe is the proper term). In part I'm assuming its because baby is bigger so the pressure will somewhat shorten the cervix BUT, last night I started some pretty frequent belly tightenings (all painless but constant starting when I was sitting up and then continuous when I would stand).  The hospital isn't concerned but I do recall when in labour with Livy that my (strong dialating) contractions would stop whenever I sat or laid down right up till I was 7 cm dialated (which is why we almost didn't make it to the hospital and then when there, almost got sent home - my contractions would stop when lying down or sitting).  And, without much for contractions I was 2 cm dialated when I was 1-2 weeks away from delivery date so I know dialation does happen without active labour.  Anyway, this will be on my radar though not sure if they will measure it during this ultrasound or not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting information;
Is this good news?? I hope!
Take care,
Auntie Bev