Friday, June 3, 2011

Room with a view

Ok, so there is no "view" because there is no window, BUT it is a change of scenery.

Last night after hoisting Livy out of the bath I had a bleeding episode due to the placental previa. After a few frantic calls to a number of people (no answer) I started to worry as I had a naked 1 year old running around free range while I sat on the throne wondering what my next move would be.

Rest assured one of our back up plans did answer and came to the rescue right about the time that everyone else arrived to save the day.

After a quick stop at our local hospital Payton and I got to ride in style with lights and sirens blazing to BC Women's hospital.

After a few checks to see if baby is ok and putting me on an IV saline drip I'm happy to say that things (bleeding) has calmed down to an almost non existent faint roar and now it's just the risk of dying from uncomfortable bedsores and boredom (since there are so many more hours in a day when you can't sleep.

Alas, i'm semi prepped for a possible c-section with no fluids or foods and baby Payton has has steroids for her lung(s) (and monitoring of her heart every 2 hours).

Not sure how long we'll be here (not long I hope since I have a pedicure booked for Tuesday) but hoping all goes well till at least 32weeks (the so far earliest CDH survival story I've found).

When given the chance I'll try to get our mini video of our adventure racing to get here up. Warning though, I look a bit rough so don't look too closely at me :).

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