Sunday, June 26, 2011

Green Means Go

It took all day of patient waiting and we finally got into ultrasound just after 6pm.  Its just before 7 pm and all looks good.

As for things I wanted to keep an eye out for all I really got for info is the amount of fluid (while I am interested in her abdomen circumference it slipped my mind when writing about it this morning that they won't measure that till next Tuesday, July 5th at the earliest).

The fluid pockets added up to approximately 11.1 cm so we're holding our own in relation to the previous scan.

A quick peek at the placenta shows it low and thick near the cervix but no measurement of the cervix...perhaps next ultrasound.

The date to determine the next ultrasound hasn't been made yet but I'm going to go out on a limb and assume Thursday, June 30th (crazy that June is almost over).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like all is favourable, at the moment.
Thank God!
How is your Mom?
Love you,
Auntie Bev