Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A PICC Hiccup

Well we escaped one issue today only to run head first into another.

I received an early call this morning from Payton's nurse (first assuring me everything was fine with Payton - bless her heart) letting me know that she wouldn't be undergoing the dye test with Radiology (here's another example of differing opinions conflicting). They determined that it wouldn't affect her current feeding regime so maybe a good thing.

At 11am I received a call from one of the NICU doctors that they suspect an infection with Payton's PICC line (the one that was put in her foot a few days ago). They aren't sure if it is an infection (or just irritated) but they are treating it as an infection.

They are currently working on putting another PICC into Payton's other foot but are having some difficulties (recall once in they work the line up her veins close to her heart). She's had a number of X-rays already (4 I think she said) and the doctor said they'll try one more before leaving it for a bit.

I'm currently sitting in Starbucks waiting to hear that they are done - I'm not allowed to be there since its considered a sterile procedure. Honestly I'd rather not be any further of a distraction.

The little bear is currently hyped up on a bit of morphine to keep her calm (something I could use right now :) ).

For now that's all we know so I'll be sure to update as we learn more.


Anonymous said...

Oh , I hope that it is not an infection. The poor wee girl has had enough pokes and prodding. I pray that all goes well for her and nothing further. Love Grandma Helen

Anonymous said...

Hello, My Dears
I can not image how tough this is on Payton; the poor little girl!You & Payton are amazing!!
My prayers are with yous, always!
Love, Auntie Bev