Saturday, August 20, 2011

Stomach Update

They did an x-ray and ultrasound on Payton's stomach and upper gastric system today but could find no reason for the bleed.

When we went to see her today she was lying fairly flat in her bed (normally she's inclined to keep her upright and limit vomitting).  I asked the nurse if this was a new position and the nurse said that Payton puked so much that she soiled every one of the slings they had so they had to lay her much flatter so she wouldn't slump to the bottom of her crib.  Despite being so flat her stomach and reflux is doing very well.

Her stomach's settled down and Payton actually had a good morning (after her rough night).

She also had a poop in the night so that's 3 nights in a row - :D

They have cut her feeds in half to help settle her but now she's doing so well she's on a fast track to get her back to where she was before her bleed.  She's being upped 1ml/hr every 4 hours so by tomorrow she'll be back to where she was yesterday.

I overheard the nurse talking to the doctor that she had checked one of the babies stomach secretions and they were very low that she thought there may be a blockage in the drainage so she cleared the tube but there was no blockage....she then went on to say that her stomach secretions are way down.   There's only 6 babies in this section of the NICU (and our nurse only has 2 to oversee) so I'm going to assume that she was talking about Payton (I didn't want to clarify because I liked the assessment enough to run with it as a positive instead of the slim chance she was talking about another baby).

So I don't know what to make of this but from the brown discharge she's been having for the last couple of days its likly that she's had some bleeding (old blood) for a little while now and perhaps its finally just cleared.  Cleared enough that her current secretions (which I did see) are almost colourless and the volume is low.

She is in some pain and they did have to put another IV into her to give her meds to help with the stomach bleed.  So now she has her PICC line in her hand (which she doesn't move so I'm assuming its too sore) and the IV in her foot plus the inflammed old PICC spot in her other foot which is looking great but we've been told its possibly still tender since it was so recent that the line came out.

Still, she's doing great today despite the early morning phone call letting us know that she had a rough night.

Hopefully she bounces back quickly from her stomach bleed like she did with her lung bleed.


Tabetha said...

Hi guys, just read through your journey since Paytons arrival into your world. You two are amazingly strong and you have a gourgeous little girl! My thoughts are with you, that little one looks like a fighter! Take Care, Tab

Muff Hackett said...

So glad that things seem to be on a general upward trend - thinking of you lots and enjoying keeping up with Payton's adapting to the outside world. Keep up the good work, all of you.

Anonymous said...

Hello, Renee
Payton is an amazing & strong baby - she has gone through a lot & she keeps on fighting!! Terrific.
Take care, Love to All, Auntie Bev.

Lisa Barlow said...

Hoping she has a better night tonight. Poor little tyke has more than earned a good night's rest.

With that said, her progress and spunk amaze me anew each day.

Go Payton Go!!