Friday, August 5, 2011


My night with Livy was great.  Waking up to her smiling little face was well worth the juggling (that someone else had to do granted but still worth it).

This morning things are still settled with Payton. She's still heavily sedated but they have started to ween some of it.  They are also starting to ween back on the Nitric Oxide slowly.

There has been no more blood come from her lungs but her stomach pump is showing some pretty nasty stuff...its basically her bowels working in the wrong direction.  So until that settles they'll continue holding off any more feedings.  The next attempt is possibly tomorrow but it'll be a wait and see.

Her vent rate is still at 50 but watching her this morning she is putting out one extra one here and there so hopefully she is still working to breath (rather than letting the vent breath for her 100%). At 50 its frequent enough that it's difficult for her to outbreath the vent (babies don't breath much faster than this) so its difficult to tell for sure how strong her breathing still is.

With the sedation being slowly lowered today it should allow her more control to breath on her own so hopefully a tiny ween here and there will be enough to not push her too much but still allow forward motion (and not allow her to forget how to breath on her own).

1 comment:

Lisa Spence said...

awesome you got some good cuddle time with livy! hoping to hear some good news tonight about payton!