Thursday, August 11, 2011

Angel Grace

I learned tonight that another one of our watched Cherub's has grown her wings - Angel Grace.

This beautiful little CDH baby fought so hard and was an incredible inspiration all the while that we followed her journey. 

On August 9th, Grace grew her wings.

What a heartbreaking week it has been for the CDH community and it brings tears of sorrow to my heart to know so many have had to say goodbye to their sweet little cherubs.

We continue to hold Payton tight and are reminded that life is so incredibly precious and fragile.

Many hugs to Grace's family as they navigate these very difficult days/weeks/months as they come to terms and say goodbye to their little angel.


Anonymous said...

I had seen where they posted about little Grace. My heart just breaks for these poor little ones and their parents. God has enough angels now.
Love Grandma Helen

Lisa Barlow said...

Ah Renee, I'm so sorry for the loss of yet another beloved babe. My heart breaks for her parents.

Anonymous said...

So Sad, another Baby said goodbye!!
God please guide and help Baby Grace and her Family!
With Love, Auntie Bev