Monday, August 8, 2011

Goodbye Sweet Maddie

This morning it took me a while to get to the hospital (where I actually have internet access) only to sign in and learn that another dear CDH baby has passed away.  Another baby we had been following and keeping in our thoughts and prayers.

Sweet little Maddie passed away last night and its an incredibly heartbreaking moment as I 'met' Maddie's mom while she was pregnant on the CHERUB's website (support for CDH families).

Lisa has been an incredible mother, woman and friend even when her own baby was struggling, she still found the strength to reach out and support others. 

Sweet beautiful little Maddie will always be a part of our own CDH journey and we will keep her in our thoughts and her family in our prayers. 

Rest in peace sweet little one.


Anonymous said...

My God, how terribly sad. My heart just breaks for these poor little ones. I hope that someday we'll understand why!!!
I do hope that Payton is continuing to progress in her healing. I think of her so many times throughout the day and night and willing her to continue the good fight.
Love Grandma Helen

Lisa Barlow said...

What a tough couple of days this has been. A real roller coaster of emotions. High over Payton's progress and now these crashing lows with the loss of two precious babies. I know that nothing is "promised", but man, is this hard.

Prayers for all affected from the bottom of my heart. An especially big one for you my friend.


Anonymous said...

God Bless Maddie & Her Family!!
SO sad!
Hope all is well with Payton; and all the Family. All is good here with Larissa, Kaiden, Gabriel and myself. Love to All, Auntie Bev