Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is this the Sound the Other Shoe makes when it drops?

Payton's progress has been so steady and wonderful I keep thinking the other shoe is going to drop.  And while Payton continues to do very well (aside from the feeding) last night we got our very first real hiccup in our time at the NICU.

There has been a case of staph infection reported in one of the babies in Payton's area of the NICU so the NICU is on 'lock down' (or their version of it).

No new babies in and no babies out for 2 weeks.

Payton's had her own room since she arrived in the NICU and has a constant nurse through her day (other than the relief nurse her nurse is her's alone) so there's a very small risk to Payton with cross contamination.  Still, there is some risk.

I'm very fortunate that Payton's been kept isolated from the other babies and I can't imagine the fear that other parents are going through who's babies were in the main area.  I'm not sure how many have had surgery but even the PICC lines that go in for feeding/medications introduce a risk.

On another note, Payton's feedings have been suspended again (at 6 am this morning) until we can get her to radiology to properly place her feeding tube into her intestines.

It could be that her vomiting is in conjunction with her morphine withdrawal (she's back on a small amount after they stopped it last night at 9 pm) and hopefully if that's the case it'll ease soon.

Still, all things considered she's doing wonderful and despite the 'new drama' in the NICU we're very pleased with her progress.


Anonymous said...

Let's just pray and hope that the darn infection stays away from Payton. She has been doing so well she just doesn't need a problem.
I believe that God is on our side this time and will care for her.
I do hope that she will soon be eating on her own and going home to be with her family.
Take care to all, Love Grandma Helen

Anonymous said...

Keep strong, Renee
God Bless Renee, Payton and Family!
Love to All; and to All a good night> Auntie Bev