Friday, August 12, 2011

New Tube = Feeding??

Payton got her new tube today.  Its still a bit coiled in her stomach but it is down into her its just a wait and see to see how well that goes.  When I was there today she had 2 spit ups so hopefully that's just from the dye they used in radiology to get the tube in the right place.

One of the NICU doctors discussed the next steps and what we can expect.  Its a lot of wait and see's and they believe she could be in the NICU for up to another 4 weeks.  While it seems like a long time, we're still so incredibly happy that her breathing is no longer an issue (they are only doing blood gasses once a week and that's only with other blood work so they think she's totally out of the woods on her lung issues).

Still, we do very much look forward to the day that we get to bring her home.  We just need to learn patience and like all things, time will solve the next hurdle.

There is a mild concern right now with Payton's one hip.  There is a potential for Payton to have Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip.  They aren't 100% sure but they have identified a potential 'weakness' or anomoly of one of Payton's hip (not all the time just some of the time) and so they're going to keep an eye out for it.  The good thing is if she has it, they caught it in time to correct it (if uncorrected it will lead to life long walking issues).  The key to correcting it (if she has it) is a brace around 6 months age.

The good thing is she has time in the NICU for it to be observed and if they continue to notice it then they will have the bone doctors (their name not mine which I'm guessing isn't correct :)) take a look at her before she's discharged.

On another note, Payton had clothes on when I arrived today.  It was soo sweet and Chantal (one of our favourite nurses) felt she needed to sport some clothes so there she was dressed in pink.  By the time I left we were thinking about her 3rd change of clothes but opted to leave her rest in peace in the event she chucked again (its a bit of a production changing her clothes which the jostling may lend to further stomach upset).

Tomorrow we'll know how she's doing on her new tube and fingers crossed she gets her feeds up to a point where we can take out her PICC line.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I pray - good health for Payton. Take care My Dears, Love Auntie Bev