Monday, August 15, 2011

Payton Update

I missed Payton yesterday since we spent the entire day with Livy for her Birthday.  As a result today was mixed with a bit of tears as I didn't realize how much I missed the little one until I laid eyes on her.  It seems incredibly wrong to have left her for for so long but I also know how much it meant to all of us to just have one day away enjoying the day and enjoying Livy.

Payton has made some progress on her feedings.  She is now taking 2 ml of breast milk per hour (straight to her intestines) and her stomach suction is gone replaced by a simply stomach drain.

The idea is they will up her feeds every 12 hours by 1 ml per hour.  So by tomorrow (Aug 16th) she'll be taking 4 ml per hour of continuous feeds.  Once she's up to ~20 ml per hour she'll be at full feeds...then the next step will be 60 ml in one feeding (since we can't attach her to my breast for continuous feedings once we get home :).

We also have to get her milk into her stomach if possible.  So thats another hurdle and I'm not sure when they'll want to start introducing a little bit to her stomach.

Here's a few pictures of my little Patty Cake.

Snug as a bug in her little crib.

Showing off her name!!

Her current set up.  Rumour has it she may be transferred to the intermediate nursery soon :)

I have a picture of Auntie Deanna holding the little one as well but for some reason it won't save from my Blackberry.  Auntie D acted as surrogate parents for Payton on Livy's birthday as she went to the hopsital to hold her for a time so she was held by someone she loved that day.


Anonymous said...

Hello, Renee
Happy Birthday, Olivia.
Another positive step forward for Payton - keeping milk down. Way to go - Payton. All sounds good - marvelous!! Take care my Dears, Love you all, Auntie Bev

Tracy Meats said...

Praying for many more strong days for your warrior! She is doing adorable too! Hope the progress keeps happening in the right direction with her feeds.

Tracy, Ian's mom

Anonymous said...

She looks so wonderful and content. I do hope that all goes well with the feeding and she gets to go home. Keep fighting little girl. You are a wonder.
Love Grandma Helen