Thursday, August 25, 2011

Round 2

Payton's second surgery is scheduled for 12:30pm tomorrow.

She's the 3rd in line for surgery so it could be earlier or it could be later depending on how the 1st two go.

Either way, we'll be hanging out at the NICU around that time.

There are a few hurdles we will be aiming for after her surgery.  Because she's on sedation and so forth she will be intubated again and on the vent.  It won't be until she's once again on low morphine that they'll extubate her again so we hope that her body tolerates the surgery well.  Hopefully since they're using the same scar it won't be as sore since through experience, my section scar still has a lot of numbness - hopefully her CDH scar does too.

I'm not sure how long they'll wait to start feeding her, they mentioned the next day (which would be Saturday) and I'm not sure if it'll be small feeds again working our way up to full feeds.

Another CDH angel mom was ever so kind to offer a comment on an issue called Pyloric Stenosis and I put it in my blackberry to remember to ask about it but I forgot. The surgeons said they will be around in the morning for any more questions I do have so I'll try to ask about it then since this would be my only opportunity to do so.

Payton has been so great to hold lately.  She's been easy to manouver around and we will play (well I play and she lies there) while I move her legs and pull on her arms.  Work to do a bit of tummy time on my chest/shoulder and move my head from side to side while she tracks me with her eyes.

It may be a few days before I get to hold her and interact with her so much again and I'm going to miss that.

I'll sign off with a few extra pics of Payton.  Here's a pic of her belly button.  The 1st day after her nub finally fell off.

Here's another where she's looking so cute with the soother concoction the nurses devised since she loves sucking on her soother so much.  She's very loud too and can be heard either sucking or snoring from the other side of the room.


Anonymous said...

My thoughts will be with you today. I will pray that all goes well for Payton and that she will soon be off the vent again. She is such a beautiful little girl and has to go through so much. Keep up the fight Payton. Much love Grandma Helen

Anonymous said...

Hello, Renee
She is a beauty!!
I pray - for a successfull surgery for Payton! A speedy recovery - and perfect health!
Be strong - love lots.
Love you all, Auntie Bev