Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bad Night for Payton

Payton had a rough night last night.  She had stomach bleeding and was very upset.

I'm pretty sure my oral feeding idea wasn't the cause (goodness I hope not) because the brown drainage from her stomach may have been old blood but through the night she had fresh bleeding as well as the old stuff.

I'll know more when I get there today but for now, feedings have been halted again.  I'm feeling very sorry for the little trooper today and all we are expecting of her and putting her little body through.


Anonymous said...

Poor little Payton, she has been through so much. I just hope they can get this all figured out and put it behind her. Lots of hugs and kisses for Payton.
Love Grandma Helen

Anonymous said...

Hello, Renee
Poor Payton - hope this issue clears up & Payton is okay!!
My prayers are with you -
Love, Auntie Bev