Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Trend Continues

Payton continues to have another good day.

She's slowly (and I mean slowly) increasing her feeds and is currently at 3ml/hr of continuous feeds.  She continues to poop and we're happy that it means her digestive system is moving properly.

Dwayne and I went in today to see her though we opted to keep it a short visit (aka no cuddle time) since we have Livy in tow.

As it was we spent about 2 hours at the hospital so that we could be there for her incision bandage changing.

Today Dwayne took the helm since he's missed so much and calmed her while they changed the wound packing.  From what he said its looking really good and she didn't cry too much (about as much as she does with a diaper change).

I'm hopeful that any pain she has with the wound will start to get much better starting tomorrow (day 4 after opening it up).

We didn't get the blood cultures back to determine if she's once again a candidate for her PICC line and GJ contrast test but since its the long weekend we don't expect anything until at least Tuesday (likely Wednesday).

By then we hope to be close to half feeds though if they continue to increase her feeds at 1ml/hr per 24 hours then we'll only be on 6ml/hr.  Hopefully she continues to hold steady with her output so that they start to increase the frequency of increases.

Otherwise she's doing very well and while visiting today I got to see her wide awake.  Today was the 1st time ever she looked like a real baby.  Kicking and waving her arms just like a baby is expected to do (albiet with a few wires and tubes).  It reminded me of how much she's been through and how proud I am of her and her achievements. 

On another note, Dwayne and I have noticed how difficult this entire process has been on us and between lack of sleep, juggling work, hospital time, Livy time and the few other events thrown in there we've negleted to do much for 'us' time.  So we've made a concerted effort to be an 'us' for a while.  We have stepped back and begun doing things we always loved to do but life hasn't left much time for.

We've hiked the chief a couple of times now (with Livy but she slows Dwayne down so I have a hope in h3ll of catching up - no luck so far but I'll rebound quick I promise) and we're looking forward to do some activities that we used to do many years ago.

This weekend may even see us enjoying a beer and plate of nachos on top of the Grouse Grind (as many of you know this is the starting point of where Dwayne and I met though courtesy of Dwayne the beer was free).  I think Dwayne may forgo the flippies while hiking this time but who knows, maybe nostalgia will prevail.

As always, Livy continues to keep a smile on our face through this all and I have a video in the making that I want to get up...I just need to find a little bit of time in all this chaos :).


Jess C said...

So very happy to hear of forward motion and YAY for dirty diapers!!

Anonymous said...

Hello, Renee
Payton is doing well - marvelous!!
Take care My Dear; Love you!!
G Auntie Bev

Anonymous said...

So good to hear all is going forward and you are taking some "us" time. It's easy to get "lost" in all the stresses you have been going through.
You have both been through so much and have been amazing. Love to all, Grandma Helen

Dixie said...

So good to hear Payton is more comfortable.
BTW, you're shaming us other moms with all this postpartum hiking & activity, especially after a c-section. Good grief, you're a tough mama!

Corinne said...

The first time she looked like a real baby... oh my I remember that. Making me cry all over again. So so happy to hear that your wee girl is rallying. Lovely.

Corinne in Calgary
Mama to Sam, lcdh, 02-01-11