Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Even the NICU is Sick of Her Antics

Well, the good news is she's still fast tracked to come home.  The bad news is we're now waiting on surgery to address her current situation and they're not the fastest team in the corral.

Despite surgery's tardiness the NICU is getting us ready to go.  Apparently Friday is a 'closed' day for much of the services so they're preparing her as if she is ready to go home any day.  We're going to do the carseat test, hearing test and get all our equipment and perscriptions ready so if she's good to go by Friday, Sat or Sun we don't have to wait until Monday till various offices open.

So I'm pretty much convinced that even the NICU just wants her gone before she defies some other type of reason (apparently bringing her GJ tube up into her throat is rare.  Go Figure!!)

This morning surgery did come by and pulled out her GJ tube a bit hoping it would pull down into her stomach.  But since it coils a bit before going up into her esophagus the x-ray shows that its still sitting in her esophagus.  So they've re-called surgery and we're waiting for them to once again pull her tube so that we can start feeding her again.

The good news is that likely her puking yesterday was due to a tube up her throat and that there's a very good chance that she'll tolerate higher volumes of BM.

The not great news is because she's not feeding Payton had a rough night (crying in hunger) and is still on IV.  This morning she blew out another IV and her poor little arm is swollen from the fluid being dumped into it.  So, she got a new IV and it only needs to last 36 hrs this time and hopefully that will be the last IV she'll need in a long time.

I may be getting ahead of myself by posting so early in the day because like yesterday, anything can happen...but thought with everything going on yesterday it was a good time to update.


Anonymous said...

God, Please help Payton have reliable people taking care of her!! No room for error - Baby Payton needs help!!
Thank God - you ladies are there with Payton.
Love yous, AuntieBev

Anonymous said...

Renee, that is NUTS what happened with Payton's tube. I just looked at your profile and realized you are west coast Canada - are you in a Vancouver Hospital? Where do you live? I am in Calgary and I know Jess' Seth was in Vancouver. Just nice to have some sorta-kinda local CDH mamas.

Thinking of you and will be watchingn for the home news!!! Maybe that tube can just get out of the way and let Payton EAT! :)

CDH mama to Samuel

Anonymous said...

Geezeeee what are they doing to that little girl. I hope there are no more hiccups and she does get outa there soon. Love Grandma Helen