Tuesday, September 6, 2011

New PICC and No NJ Tube as of Today!

I'll just give a quick update.  We missed posting yesterday because we missed Payton.  With the roads being so busy from the long weekend we didn't make it in (though I did venture out onto the highway twice to try but turned around due to the sheer volume). 

Alas, it was a nice chance to enjoy some of the warm weather and hang with Livy and Dwayne at Alice Lake (where it looks like Livy may be a bit of a water bug like her mom - no fear of the water means I have to get back to teaching her how to swim).

I wasn't sure how fast Radiology would be able to take Payton to place her PICC and remove her NJ tube and was surprised this morning to find out it could happen as early as 10 am today (which it did).

I wheeled her down the hall again with the help of the medical team (hopefully for the last time) and said a quick goodbye.

They said the proceedure would take an hour and for once they were wrong not because it took too long but because it took less time than expected - YAY!!  I think this means we're making progress right??

Her PICC is bleeding a bit more than they like to see but they are keeping a close eye on it. Otherwise Payton's face has no more tubes and for that I'm incredibly happy. 

I think its safe to say that she has her daddy's (and sister's) eyes, her mommy's nose and maybe the mailman's mouth (because I'm not sure where that came from).

They are also planning to re-start oral stimulation again using a bit of milk in a bottle nipple. 

Today I couldn't be happier with her (though admittedly I'll be much happier when she's home). 

Now all we need to do is get her feeding up to full feeds and we can finally ditch this place (the hospital that is).


Anonymous said...

Great news - Good news!!
Payton is face-free of tubes!!
Now Payton has to master - drinking milk from the bottle!! and see how her little tummy will become the milk? Way to go - Payton!! You are awesome!!
Love to you all, Auntie Bev

Anonymous said...

Great going Payton, you are an amazing little girl. Such great news to hear she's on her way. Drink little one, drink. Love Grandma Helen