Tuesday, September 13, 2011

So Close We Can Almost Taste It

Tomorrow we will get 1 more line (or 2 to be exact since they are 2 in 1) removed from Payton.  A very important one...her PICC line.  She's almost at full feeds (they sped her up for the last 24 hrs to facilitate it) and it means that she will have 1 less line.  The big one to be exact because its the only one left that prevents Payton from coming home.

There are still a number of hurdles we'll need to overcome in the next little while but this is officially the biggest hurdle.  Everything else can stay with her and there's no rush to get anything else off of her.

As far as Payton is concerned, yesterday they closed off her drainage from her stomach and we got to see today how well her stomach is dealing with just processing her own bile.  So far she's done well (plus 3-5ml feeds in the mix) and though she did aspirate 2 times, she's doing so much better than I would have ever expected.

We're still on the 1.5-2 week time frame but its finally becoming more of a reality than a dream.


Anonymous said...

Yeah Payton!!!! What an amazing little girl. So glad to hear you are getting closer to home. What a day that will be. Lots of love and prayers from Grandma Helen.

Rana Czuy said...

We are so happy for you. To be able to have your whole family together in your own home and to be a "real" family will be amazing. I can't wait to meet this amazing little girl you have! Take Care.

Anonymous said...

Awesome!! Awesome!!
Wonderful to hear such great news!
Way-To-Go Payton!!
Love to All, Auntie Bev

Unknown said...

Great news! Go Payton!