Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Open eyes and Fryer Tuck hair cut

There are rules starting today.  No more Fryer Tuck or Klingon jokes (after my title that is)!!!

She's very sensitive about her hair.  I can't believe they didn't just shave her completely and I did have to express my curiousity about why they would choose this particular hair cut - a mullet in the making??  It does sort of suit Dwayne and my life stye (more Dwayne than me but that's another blog post :D).

Alas, I hope unlike her sister her hair grows fast.  By the time she comes home we may reconsider cutting it all - we have a bit of time to make that decision.  Its still nice to have some downey soft locks in the back to touch (nothing softer than new born baby hair).

Payton continues to do well and its been confirmed that we're taking it slow this time.  Her PICC needed to be adjusted just a bit from yesterday but its doing well.

Her feeds have been increased in frequency to every 12 hours (instead of 24) and today I got to do her 3rd oral feed...breastmilk from a bottle which she LOVED and would jerk forward for more every time I moved the bottle away from her (so she could swallow - something she hasn't had much experience doing). 

Its weird to see the milk come up her feeding tube almost immediately but I'm more concerned/glad that she's orally feeding than how much she's processing.

They're going to wait 24 more hours then start giving her milk more frequently via mouth through out the day so still cautiously slow but progress none the less.


Haley said...

Glad to hear Payton is making such amazing progress...keep it up Payton!

Anonymous said...

Hello, Renee
Payton looks PerrrrFect!!
Hello, Payton - Keep up the great work!!
Thank you, Renee for all the pictures - I love them.
Love yous, Auntie Bev

Anonymous said...

What a little doll and looks so content. So glad to hear she is doing well. All the best with love, Grandma Helen

Jess C said...

Ahhh what a beautiful picture of an amazing girl! So happy for the great progress she is making! (I too also worried about Seth's 2 NICU haircuts, I will find you a picture, but it all grew back in evenly and you wouldn't know today the hairline he came home with at all)

Tracy Meats said...

That little girl is so adorable, no matter the haircut...just precious. Payton is a warrior and one tough little girl. I am happy to read baby steps in the right direction are happening this week. Praying for Payton and progress with her feeds.

Tracy, Ian's mom from CHERUBS

Anonymous said...

Just looking at that beautiful little face makes my day. Love Grandma Helen

Anonymous said...

Thats the attitude Payton! She has her own style and is rocking it regardless of the commentary :) Also great to hear she is bottle feeding...that must be such an enjoyment to finally get to taste & swallow! All the best to the little lady and family,