Sunday, November 23, 2008

November 23, 2008 - 2 weeks 4 days

Well, our embryos have made it and as hoped, taking them to day 5 has allowed us to know which 2 are the stronger ones.

Though only one has reached the blastocyst stage, we have another healthy looking morula that our RE will transfer with the 'good looking' blastocyst.

For anyone who really cares how IVF works, for the record, when they place the embryos inside my uterus its not called implantation. Its called a transfer. The embryos are transferred from a petri dish into my uterus. The actual act of implantation doesn't occur for another day or two (or as in the case of a late bloomer such as our morula, maybe another 3 days).

Thus, we have two very much loved embyros transfered today. As usual, this is typically my biggest stress (leading up to transfer) since I'm such a poor responder and our embryos are always marginal for quality. Getting to a day 5 transfer is the hard part.

Now the 2 week wait. For some this is the hardest part. For me, its one of the easiest. I've learned from my previous cycles that getting pregnant is the "easy" part (said with tongue in cheek with a healthy dose of envy for those who just have to have sex to get pregnant).

Its staying pregnant that I'm finding I fail at miserably but hopefully the doctors are right.

That's its not me, just my bad luck.

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