Monday, November 17, 2008

November 17, 2008 - 1 week and 5 days

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...

Ok, so we're officially on day 12. I've never stimmed this long before and fortunately today's ultrasound confirmed that today's the day.

We're sitting on 12 follicles (2 more popped up) though a number of those are fairly small. From a best guestimate we should be looking at a minimum 8 (though I can always hope for more).

We have a number of small ones still but since egg retrival is still 2 days away, there's always the chance that one or two will catch up. On the other side, we have 2 homungous ones that dominate my left ovary. If it didn't represent such a sad state of my fertility I would be (and secretely still am) very amazed at the science of it all. VERY COOL (I just wish it wasn't my money paying for this experiement).

Tonight we trigger. We administer a shot of HCG which in turn matures the eggs encased in the follicles. The RE will retrieve the eggs 36 hours after I adminster the HCG using a very large needle.

Yes, it sounds dramatic and it is. It f$&king hurts like the dickens which is why they actually offer you the option of being completely put out for the proceedure.

Instead I'm taking the anestetic that makes me feel drunk. I like the "I'm partying" feeling it gives me (since I don't get sex out of this conception I may as well get the drunk feeling).

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