Saturday, August 6, 2011

Some fun pics and a quick update

Not much to add with Payton's update other than she's continuing to do well.

They have weaned her off her Methadone (a sedative) and now she's just on the Morphine so she's a lot more alert and active.  So alert and active that she's officially been restrained (a weird concept to see for a parent of a 10 day old - funny how it would be taken if I had done this at home :).

With the weaning of the sedative she's one step closer to starting the wean off the vent.  1st though they need to get her off the Nitric Oxide which may happen tonight (at the shift change consult).  She's down less than 1 on the Nitric Oxide.  The final weaning may happen tonight though she's still on an oral medication for her pulminary hypertension.  Its a good thing because they administer it through her feeding tube so she's getting something in her tummy even if its not food - and she's keeping it down.

Here's a few shots of her post op and today when her bandage was removed.  Also a few fun ones that I love (how she loves to kick her feet out of her blankets and 'sun tan' under the heat lamp.

Here she is shortly after her lung bleed when she was heavily sedated...'snowed' as the nurses called her.

The future's so bright I gotta wear shades.

Basking in the Heat Lamp, kicking back.

Her new look (notice lack of bandage on her surgery scar).

On another note, we have our 1st offical group that made an effort to donate blood.  Out of 4 that hit the blood bank (one phoned ahead to find out she wasn't eligable) only one made it into the chair - Grandma Val.

Here she is being a total trooper.  So far even Dwayne has been a bit of a chicken (though secretely I think he's scared that it'll slow him down on the bike so for anyone reading this please give Dwayne a hard time for not getting into the chair yet.  While its not a stellar biking summer for Dwayne I'm pretty sure "The Diesel Engine" can afford a little bit of blood loss).

For anyone who does make it out to donate we would LOVE to add your photo to the blog.  Please feel free to brag if you do make it and we'll brag about you as well.


Dixie Harvey Mesa said...

Renee, she is beautiful! LOVE the foot picture.

Unknown said...

Payton is so plump and robust looking. Glad thing are going relatively well for her so far.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear everything is progressing along. She is an adorable little girl. Keep up the good fight little Payton. Much love Grandma Helen

Lisa Barlow said...

Ok, that must be the most darling little foot ever :-) What a trooper she is!

Grandma Val ROCKS :-)

Anonymous said...

Hello, Renee & The Happy Gang!!
Good for you Gramma Valerie - Payton is so cute. Good to hear that Payton is stable and doing so well - Keep up the excellent work Payton!! My prayers are with yous always. Take care - Auntie Bev

Tracy Meats said...

Payton is beautiful! Precious!! Love she is making steps in the forward direction again. Praying for a strong week for your baby girl.