Sunday, August 21, 2011

Slow Day (but we like slow days now)

Today is sort of a slow day for Payton.  Not really any progress, just getting back to where she was 2 days ago. 

They got her back up to 12 ml/hr of feeds by the time we got to the NICU and she's off the IV meds they were giving her for the stomach bleed (but leaving the IV in her foot in just in case).

BUT, when I was holding her today she started with some blood in her drainage tube again. The nurse was pretty nonchalant about it so I'm going to take her cue and assume that its expected and not worry too much about it.  She did say it could be the tube rubbing and Payton did a bit of gagging after we moved her from her crib onto my chest.

They have slowed her feeds again from increasing every 4 hours to every 6 so hopefully that day break was enough to let things get caught up and she handles it well.  She had another poop this morning so that continues to 'work' like it should despite the other little issues she's having.

Here's a couple of pictures.  One's of Payton's crib with her new friend.  She's no longer wearing clothes (partly because of the PICC which is in her arm and partly because of the fact that she pukes so much) so we decided now was a good time to spice up her crib.  To give her some individuality but also because she's doing so well that a friend hanging out with her won't cause too much trouble.

Here's a quick shot of Livy today since she looked so cute in one of her new birthday presents - mental note "no more size 3 clothes since they barely fit".

And a picture of the girls soon-to-be play room.  We're painting a mural on the wall and this is the early (1st 2 hrs) stages of painting.


Anonymous said...

Love the pictures. The mural looks like it's going to be great. Livy is more adorable all the time. Good to hear Payton is slowly progressing. Hoping that all goes well for her now. You two are doing a great job. All my love and wishes, Grandma Helen

Lisa Spence said...

go payton go! glad her PICC line is working ok and shes back up on her feeds!

Anonymous said...

Payton is holding her own - great news!!
Awesome picture - please post finished picture!
Take care my Dear - You are doing an awesome job: Love you,
Auntie Bev
I am back to work - in Regin. I had an awesome time.