Monday, May 30, 2011

A normal blog update for once

I realize, unlike Olivia and the boys, I haven't been updating much on my pregnancy with Payton as a whole. Considering this is the one part of Payton's journey that will be normal (and I'm committed to remembering) I've been remiss in updating the normal parts that I want to hold on to so dear (and hopefully share with her so she knows that there were good/normal things amongst the struggles).

Thus far its been a slightly harder pregnancy than Olivia (I think because I'm 2 years older) and my body seems tired (that's what being an old pregnant woman does and at 37 I'm no spring chicken).  I have ached earlier gestation wise and I feel much less mobile (it reminds me of how I felt with Livy at 38weeks instead of 29w).

Still, Payton has been the one baby that has kicked the earliest and the strongest and while she sleeps more than Olivia did (Livy used to kick sometimes up to 2 hrs straight) she is definitely a mover - when she does move, she moves alot.

Her favourite time to put on a show is usually around 9-10 at night so it stands to reason we have another night owl in our midst.

Livy still hasn't grasped the "baby in the tummy" concept (unless she has plans on beating her little sister up fairly early) as she pushes, pinches and even bits my proturding belly button. Still, if I ask her where the baby is (or where baby Payton is) she'll point (or push) at my stomach. Still, I sometimes wonder if she looks at my belly thinking I ate a baby for breakfast.

We continue to measure large though I also measured a few weeks ahead with Livy. I hope that despite the ultrasound measurement that Payton is, like her sister, larger than the average bear. The ultrasound definitely has her measured withing normal range, but usually a half to a week behind in most measurements. Still, with her abdominal contents in her chest, its safe to assume that some of the measurements are a bit off (ie they measure the circumference of her abdomen as one measurement).

Life as we know it continues as normal and we are starting to prepare for the arrival of baby Payton by getting a second room together.  Poor Payton will not have her own room.  Instead when she comes home she'll board with Mom and Dad in their closet (we'll make it a really nice closet I promise).  This will allow us to have her close at hand if she needs us but give her the room needed in the event she comes home with artificial breathing/feeding support.

Once Payton is ready to move out of our room, her and Olivia will share a bedroom.

The second bedroom we're preparing is intended to be a play room for the girls (and so we can get back our much desired living room).  We're keeping the dinosaur theme we started with with Olivia and will be added more touches to make it a truley fun place to hang out.  We'll be sure to update with photos as we progress with the room.

On another note, the weather here is finally starting to warm and we have been full speed ahead with yard work.  One project after another and slowly aiming for Dwayne's dream - a fully concrete yard.

On another note, Dwayne's 40th birthday is nearing and we'll be gearing up for a small celebration (his real present was the riding trip to Spain but he's trying to wrangle a Canucks ticket now that they're in the final round for the Stanley Cup).

As usual, life is pretty normal and I want to come back here and remember this normal.  This calm before the storm.  Not for any other reason but because I want to recognize it when we are there once again - and we will be.  Even healthy babies create chaos and a new normal needs to be established.

It may take more time that time, but eventually, baby Payton (hiccups and all) will be normal for us and this blog gives us a water mark for how far we will have come.

1 comment:

Jennifer Thurston said...

Hi! I am friends with your cousin Daney in California. I heard about your baby having CDH and just wanted to write you and see if you wanted to talk. My son Jason was born last Sept with CDH. This was undiagnosed so quite a surprise to my husband and I. I feel for your situation but am glad that yours was caught in utero. Also through my situation I have made a friend that had a son born with the condition as well. I am sure she would love to share her story with you.

I just wanted to give you a little support. I know for me it helped having people that had been through it before to talk me through the hard days. Feel free to email me

Warm wishes,
