Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 12, 2009 - 18 weeks and 1 day

Confession time....

While traveling I indulged in just a little bit of raw seafood. Only from reputable locations of course!! Half of a raw scallop (not intentional) and just a few raw oysters - Yum!! (completely intentional).

I was hyper diligent the few days following and thought I was out of the listeria woodwork after about 3 days post oyster fest. But last week (March 6-7th) I had two days of excessive cramping. Moments where I was doubled over in pain and couldn't walk. I, of course, Google'd symptoms for listeria but found that adominal cramping was actually a secondary, less common, symptom and more common were headaches, fever and body aches. (Diagnosis: Ok, no listeria - just bad digestion.)

Now, I've been having headaches off and on since about week 12. NOT UNCOMMON -but two days ago they got bad. Tylonel didn't work. My body aches got bad and I don't have a thermometer to take my temperature but that doesn't matter...its Listeria mania all over again!!

I made it 24 hours before my fear outweighed my common sense of reality and I hauled arse down to the medi clinic for a listeria test.

Well after I was talked down from the listeria ledge the doc (fortunately) also included a full panel of bloodwork.

The good news is I don't have listeria. The even better news is that I'm iron deficient. Now, some of you may think "wait, isn't iron deficiency bad??". Not when they give you extra iron suppliments that take away your headache it isn't :).

So now I'm vamped up on iron pills and headache free (the aches are still there but I figure I'll take what I can get).

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