Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March 24, 2009 - 19 week and 6 days

Did I mention that I'm paranoid?? Seriously, I'm completely and utterly freaked out about something going wrong AGAIN!!

That being said, I'm doing my best not to act paranoid. I've been doing tons of cross country skiing this winter, I've climbed the chief (well part of it) and been on copious walks. I've also asked Dwayne to set up my bike on the windtrainer so I can start spinning (when the weather warms up since I'm a suck right now with cold weather...its SPRING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! but that's for another day).

So on Saturday (19weeks 3 days) I spent a wonderful day in the city walking in the mall and then walking about 3.5-4 km to Costco. All in all it was about 7 hrs on my feet. My feet aside, by the 5.5 hr mark I started feeling noticeable braxton hicks and the occassional heavy pressure on my cervix. By the 7th hr (when I finally dragged myself into the car) the pressure on my cervix was heavy and constant.

I'll admit, in 0 to 60 I was in panic mode again. The last 3 days I've been on self perscribed bedrest and the pressure has eased (by today I can only feel it just a little bit). I was torn - do I call the doc and get labeled the "cry wolf" patient (worst case scenario if I do) or do I wait it out and go to my regular appointment on March 25th (and possibly suffer the drastic consequences of an Incompetent Cervix - very worst case scenerio).

Suffice to say I've decided to not physically panic (though inside I'm a bit of a basket case). I've had my feet kicked up, no dishes, no cooking, no cleaning and best of all, tons of computer time so that I can finally update this blog. Yay!!

Of course if all goes well it may be a while before I post again but as long as I'm taking it easy I'll be updating frequently I'm sure.

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