Monday, January 5, 2009

January 5, 2008 - 8 weeks 5 days

I tried. I really did. But today I started with heavy cramping. Now I've been pregnant 3 times, I've experienced labour pains and I've experienced a miscarriage. I've been pregnant with twins and I've been pregnant with a singleton. I know what's normal and what's not. These cramps are NOT normal.

I've taken extra strength Tylenol but it hasn't helped the cramping at all. The only comfort is that the pains are NOT the same as my previous miscarriage. In fact it wasn't until AFTER I started bleeding with my miscarriage that I even experience any cramping BUT that doesn't mean I"m not worried.

When pregnant with the twins I cramped everyday. Noticeable but never enough to need pain killers. While these aren't sharp pains, they are constant and my back seems to want to partake in the fun too.

My efforts of being footloose and carefree are out the window. Called the clinic...I can come in for another ultrasound...this time though there's no long wait for the anxiety to really set in (mind you the cramping has caused twice the usual stress in a much shorter time).

99% fear and 1% hope.

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