Tuesday, December 30, 2008

December 30, 2008 - 7 weeks 6 days

Our first ultrasound went well. Once again at 8 weeks (7w6d to be exact) we saw a heartbeat though this time the embryo measures exactly his/her gestation (last pregnancy it was a few days behind which can be normal and is generally not a cause for concern - unless your Dwayne and Renee that is...then you should be weary).

We were given the option of another viability ultrasound but I opted out. I hate ultrasounds. I always panic the 2 days before and I'm in perpetual fear for 2 days straight fearing that we'll only be faced with bad news. I hate waiting for the other shoe to drop but history has a way of repeating itself so I'm always prepared for the worst.

Still, today we shaved off a little bit of the fear part and added a little bit to the hope part of it all.

We're happily back to 90% fear and 10% hope.

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