Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Back in the Saddle Again (the Saddle being the Hosptial)

Well, a couple of days of  'no news is good news' and our luck ran out (sort of because we're still pregnant!!).

Today, I was scheduled for an ultrasound, Non Stress Test and a follow up with our MFM team.

I woke at about 5:30am to bleeding.  I called the hospital and (fortunately) was able to simply ride to the hospital like a normal person, as a passenger in a vehicle (not an ambulance).

First off, a huge thank you to Pauline (my flat buddy) for the ride and most importantly for staying with me in the ASS room (Assessment room in Labour and Delivery) so I wouldn't be alone while waiting to find out how 'exciting' our near future was going to be.

We went through much of the same processes as last time we were here only this time the Anesthesiologist came in to introduce herself and explain the proceedure that's to be expected with a c-section (and scarred the crap out of me).

Alas, it looks like I won't see her for a little while yet.

I'm currently checked back to my favourite place (Evergreen ward) and I've settled in with my laptop and expect to be here about as long as I was last time.

The good news is, we did keep our ultrasound today and it looks like the placenta is moving in the right direction.  Another perinatologist mimic'd what my OB said and its possible that the bleeds are simply the placenta tearing away as it pulls up from the cervix.

While we're still classified as placenta previa, it looks like the placenta has moved about 1 cm in the right direction.  Its possible (and looking likely) that in another 2 weeks we may be cleared of the cervix and only be dealing with marginal placenta previa (still a risk of bleeding but less concerning).

So I'm keeping my legs and fingers crossed that things continue to move in the right direction and little Payton stays put for another 4+ weeks.


The Gerdon's said...

Thinking of you and keep missing you on chat! Hope to chat soon. Keep those legs crossed ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hello, Renee
Sorry you are back in the hospital so soon; but very, very glad that all is okay for now.
Take care; little ones,
Auntie Bev

Anonymous said...

hello, again
I noticed that Baby Sophie was born June 21, 2011 - hope all is well with them.
I love you, Renee - Baby Payton.
Auntie Bev