Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Today was another special treat consisting of a playdate with Livy.  Its amazing how much she's grown in 2 weeks.  She's starting to become a little parrot and repeating full sentences "Livy, do you want to go play in the car" - "Livy, do you want to go play in the car".

One of the things I have that puts a smile on my face is a ring tone we recorded about a month ago when Dwayne was out of town.  It started out with an "I love you Daddy" but then I thought I should record an "I love you Mommy".  Its been on my phone since I've been away from her.

Today when visiting my phone rang a couple of times and she was tickled pink about hearing herself, she even understood what she was saying (and repeated it a few times while here).

So, I figured, while here I may as well get her on video, a much better way for me to see her/hear her when I miss her.

So here's her video (short but ohhh so sweet):

Tomorrow we have an OB appointment so while there won't be much in the way of additional CDH information, I will be asking him questions regarding my previa and what the chances are of a repeat bleed (or whether we can hope to make it to the end without another incident).  After the many conflicting opinions from the doctors at BC Women's I have come to rely on my OB who has the experience of following patients from the beginning to the end (unlike the peri's who 'share' patients so may not have the luxury of consistent patient management).

I'll be sure to update tomorrow.

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