Friday, April 29, 2011

Another Ultrasound - No News is Good News

So yesterday we had our ultrasound to follow up the fluid in Paytons chest. We're pleased to share that the fluid remains unchanged and they aren't too concerned about it.

The explanation we got was that all people have fluid in their chests & abdomens and that when the organs are properly situated, the fluid is evenly distrubuted creating more of a lubricant for the organs to move against one another. With Payton, because her organs are not where they should be, inproper cavities are created and thus the fluid that is natually present can collect in these cavities. Thus, not normal (ie to see these cavities) but normal at the same time and not a concern.

All else yesterday was good and Payton is measuring right on target - all except her head which apparently is much like her sisters; small for her body :). While that works mildly against us in Payton's LHR (Lung to Head Ratio) its minor enough that only a parent will worry about it - the doctors are unconcerned.

Otherwise it was an uneventful appointement and we have 'graduated' from our bi-weekly ultrasounds to being seen again in 3-3.5 weeks.

On anothe note, today was my Gestational Diabetes test. The dreaded 1 hr test (preluded by a minimum 8 hr fast) has been extended to a 2-hr test so there I sat in the hospital lobby for 2 hrs getting dizzy spells from the excessive sugary drink they give you with no food. Blech.

Alas, like most things, I survived and its now a thing of the past.

1 comment:

The Gerdon's said...

Thank you so much for all of your updates. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Livy's thumbs up giggle. Cherish it forever; some day she might be showing you her middle finger :-)

I'm not going to post on each section, but combine my thoughts. Would you like my 2 cents, hee hee, just kidding. I know you are all in good medical and loving hands and being the mother extraordinaire you are I surely know you and Dwayne are insisting on getting the best care and the best consults with the professionals. Payton's in a good belly and you are in good hands.

Can't wait to see more photos and video's of Livy, she is going to be an amazing big sister!

Love you,