To watch a new baby experience her first week is like peeking in on something incredibly special. I'm already mourning the fact that these days are behind me but in awe of the wonders that are still to come.
Her first diaper change...
Her first puke...
Her first yellow poo...
Her first cry...
Her first bath...
The first time she poo'd on Daddy...
Her first smile (I know, I know, its gas...but I'm going to include a pic and you can be the judge - and such a wonderfully goofy smile at that)...
There is a beautiful wonder in a new baby and I'm so incredibly lucky to be holding her in my arms.
She's so far been a perfect baby. She only cries when hungry or when her tummy hurts (which is few and far between).
She's gained weight like a champ and at her doctors appointment on Wednesday she had already gained past her birth weight. Her head measurement shows she's in the 50th percentile for head size but her length and weight she's in the 90th percentile. In other words, she's a long, heavy baby with a pin head.
The good news is tall women run in Dwayne's family so hopefully its a sign that she'll be tall (to even out the heavy part).
Here's a couple more pics to share. We have tons but I know it can get old. Today I'll do a video of her to post since photos, as wonderful as they are, don't quite do her justice.
Contemplating the worlds problems...
First walk...just me and Daddy.
Hanging with Mom...our favourite hang-out spot.
1 comment:
absolutely beautiful!
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