Wednesday, December 3, 2008

December 3, 2008 - 4 weeks


For those of you who don't know what a beta is, consider yourself lucky. That generally means you've had no problems getting and staying pregnant.

For those of you who do know what a beta is, I'm sorry.

Simply the correct term is Beta hCG and when you take a pregnancy test, the test measures Beta levels higher than a predetermined value, one that is only seen when pregnant (or following an hCG trigger shot).

Anything less than a Beta of 5 is not pregnant.
Over 5 and your 'a little bit pregnant'
Over 20 and typically it can be detected on a home pregnancy test.

My Beta level on 14 days past conception (9dp5dt -9 days past a 5 day transfer) was 76.

Typically this is a decent number. Not high but not too low (the clinic says they like to see over 70) but its hard to forget that our beta for our pregnancy we lost at 10 weeks (therefore possibly a non healthy pregnancy) was 125. Much higher than a little 76.

This coupled with the fact that beta values tend to double every 48 hours...if I do the backwards math, on 9 days past conception (when I was sure I had a positive pregnancy test not affected by trigger) my beta would only have been ~ 15. Much to low for a pregnancy test to register.

So I'm back to freaking out. 3 possibly scenerios:

1) Both embryos implanted causing early rising hCG levels. Shortly after we had a vanishing twin which resulted in the lower number on beta day. Thus one healthy embyro remaining (please, oh please...)
2) Both embryos took, beta levels not doubling thus not a viable pregnancy (I don't like this option so I'm ignoring it).
3) Trigger shot still in my system, which is possible but not probable since 3x previously its been out of my system.

Ok, so I'm back to 99% fear and 1% hope.

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