Thursday, October 18, 2007

Back in the Swing

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Ok, I'm back in the swing of things for posting so I figured that even though two posts have the same date, one is a re-hash of everything missed, while the other (the one you're currently reading) is today's official post.

For the record, I hate Thursdays. I absolutely LOVE Wednesdays as it means we've progressed to the next week mark. Thursdays though signify we're DAAAAYYYSS away from our next week. I know, technically each day is equal...but still, someone way back when decided to 'label' these day/weeks so I'm unfortunately stuck with the mental repercussions of those labels.

Mmm, lets see. One of the things I have noticed is that my innards are taking a beating. Not so much by Baby B (bless her/his heart) but by Baby A. I swear somedays I'm dealing with a 'potential' monster (signifying the days to come). There's days were I'm sure he/she is active for 2 hours straight. What baby is awake for 2 hours straight?? and moving so much? Fortunatly he/she settles at night so mom can sleep.

I can't honestly tell if Baby B has joined in much on the movement. There's times when the movement is more "in between" where the babies lie but if its Baby A still, that means that Baby A is taking up about 65% of the room in there so I'm chalking it up to Baby B kicking Baby A back a few times and possibly missing every once in a while and accidently kicking mom.

On another note, these last 5 weeks on bedrest have been both hard and beautiful. It wasn't until we experienced our rupture that I realized how emotionally invested in these babies I have become. Up until then it was mostly just a concept and it wasn't until now, that we're faced with potentially losing them, that I think Dwayne and I have both realized how much we've come to intergrate them into our lives. Neither of us can imagine life without two childern or for that matter, life without any.

As far a status report on mom. There's no doubt my butt is SORE. I've never imagined it could hurt this much just from sitting. My belly continues to grow and over the last couple of days I've noticed that my belly button is now just a recent memory (its now flat...Dwayne calls it a sphincter). I'm hoping that by next week I'll have an outie for the first time in my life :).

Here's my now flat naval (or sphincter as per Dwayne)...notice the abnormal amounts of hair on that belly (warning do not click to enlarge pic!!) . Yup, I'm a whole lot harrier now that I'm pregnant. No thin line for way, we go big in this family or go home :).

Though my belly keeps getting bigger, my weight gain is still slow. I'm still a few pounds off my prepregnancy weight but the good news is I had/still have, more than enough padding to keep us going through any natural disaster if needed. I think for the most part, having two has kept my belly big but stomach rather small (not much room for food) and the lack of activity certainly keeps me from needing much food.

Its amazing how I haven't had any real cravings and I'm not sure if this will change, but hopefully not as I'm too reliant on others for fullfilling those cravings.

Dwayne's doing well. He seems to have a warped sense of what he needs/should do through out this all. Though its hard to see him have a "normal" life while I sit here watching the paint peel, Dwayne has continued to make use of his time as he says he feels like a bachelor again.

He's now booting me out on Saturdays (or notifying me that he's not going to be around) due to wanting to have guys over (or go to various places) for Hockey Night in Canada. Then there's the Playstation3 that we seemed to have needed.

His culinary skills are lacking (Dwayne, if your reading this, don't make me post what I'm thinking to back this up) but despite that he's usually (60% of the time) eager to go and get me dinner. Still, he's been great on many levels and I wouldn't trade him for anything (except maybe a whooper right about now).

Last night was a rare treat and I have to say a wonderful example of how much I am loved :).

While sitting in bed all day my sister and mother came over. Mom left for 'gorceries' and never returned.

There was Kayreen, Michael (crying away) and I hanging out for 2.5 hours in my bed (which I can understand Michael crying since I know first hand how uncomfortable my bed is).

Michael pretending to be Auntie Renee (though he looks much less miserable)

Dwayne got home from the city and fell asleep on the couch (so I thought).

Well, mom finally arrives and amongst a huge cuffle of activity and noise, I find I'm left with Michael alone in the bedroom "trying to put him to sleep". Instead we just visited (ok, so he just stared at me).

Well, phone rings. Its Dwayne's brother Mike. I'm hollering for someone to get John's here...pokes his head in the door....sorry, Dwayne's sleeping can't come to the phone and he's so angry I don't want to bother him again. Uggh!!! Sorry, Mike, can Dwayne call you back.

5 minutes later Kayreen comes in and says "we're trying to make you some dinner, can you come and wake up Dwayne, he's being very grouchy about the noise and won't listen to anyone (ha ha, the ironic part is I believed this...but I do still love my husband, its just as well that Oscar the Grouch was also my favourite Seseme character).

Well out to the living room I go and I'm shocked to see that everyone had put up halloween decorations, lights and PUMPKINS for carving. They also got me hand made (and other)chocolates and dinner that night was perogies again (bought from a deli so better than store and pretty good).

What an absolute TREAT and a blast cleaning out and carving pumpkings (though an eye opener as to how weak my arms are).

That said, just before signing off I want to wish my other brother-in-law a very Happy Birthday today. The big 4-0, so as much as I'm not liking this Thursday, I imagine there are others out there feeling more sorry for themselves than I am :).

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