Thursday, September 13, 2007

16 weeks 1 day

16 + weeks already.

Though if you think about it, we still have 24 weeks to go which in turn makes it feel like forever before we get to meet these little beans.

Life in our household continues along its chaotic trajectory with Dwayne playing the needy pregnant woman...opps, I meant Renee...did I just slip and say Dwayne?? Mmm, wierd.

Seriously though. Trips to the 7-11 in the middle of the night have become more frequent. Like that time Dwayne was thirsty and was desperate for orange juice and decided that since I needed milk it made sense for me to pick him up to orange juice at the same time. Yup, just another day, just another story.

As you can see from the above photo, I'm starting to look very much in the "family way". Now, imagine another 24 weeks of growth!! Yup, I'm not wanting to imagine either.

Still, I can't complain. I've been feeling great and have had lots of energy. Certainly not something I would have expected.

We have kicked it a notch slower. A bit of a scare last week and then again this week has me on 'slow mode' so now I'm just kicking my feet up as often as possible and trying to train Dwayne into being a father of twins. So far he's gotten good at the fathering part that we can expect to take place when they're about 6 yrs old (Renee, can you bring me the phone. Oh, there's someone at the door, can you get it...oh, and while your up, grab me a beer) that sort of thing. Still, we have 5 more months to get him trained for the first 6 years so I'm not sweating yet.

The good news continues with all the little things that we're both benefiting from . My hair looks wonderful and my complextion has been blemish free for several months now. Dwayne, well he's enjoying our frequent wonderful walks with the dogs, brushing up on his Dr. Seuss rhyming and reading skills and most importantly he's getting solid use out of my body pillow therefore waking up fresh well rested each morning.

So all in all, we're plugging along, growing big and round like we're supposed to and adjusting to the concept of our soon to be new status.

R & D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahahahah you so Biiiiig.