Saturday, September 1, 2007

14 weeks 3 day

Yesterday we had a bit of an unexpected surprise. Yes, we got to once again see our babies with an ultrasound. Click on the picture to make it bigger.

(Twin B is on left, Twin A is on right notice the nose on twin B is huge compared to Twin A...yup, he definitely has his daddy's nose....oh, did I say "HE"...mmm, must read on for an explanation).

At 14 weeks 2 days they're not much different then I remember them at 12 weeks, but certainly seeing them again continues to bring the realness to the whole experience.

Their heartbeats so far are Baby A = 156 and Baby B = 143. And though I didn't get to watch the ultrasound, at the end the technician showed me the babies and I truly believe I got the 'money' shot on Baby A. Yup, I think its a girl. Now by no means am I an expert and that is technically the "first money shot" I've actually seen in my whole portfolio of baby gender determination, but I'm going with my instincts here. Oh, and for a variety of less obvious reasons, I'm thinking Baby B is a boy.

So there you have it, in my mind we're having 1 boy and 1 girl. Now, for the record I'm about 90% sure of the girl status...and about 60% sure of the boy.

Secretly Dwayne and I are hoping for them to be both the same gender. Imagine how much less work we'll have to do if they get along really well ;)

Which ever way it pans out...we're pretty giddy about the whole thing. (for the record, I'm going to mark this statement so that in 6 months when we're sleep deprived, feeling completely helpless and out of our league, we can remember how absolutely naive we were).

Ahh, as they say, ignorance is bliss. May as well enjoy it while we can.

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