Wednesday, September 5, 2007

15 weeks 0 days

15 Weeks Already!!
(click photo to enlarge)
I can't say the time is flying by, but certainly as each week passes we get closer and closer to the midway mark and I continue to get bigger and bigger!
Recently I've been feeling the pain and aches from the second trimester. Now I know your thinking "wait, the second trimester is supposed to be the golden trimester" but one thing they don't tell you is that with twins, the rules are completely re-written.
In fact, so far, the first trimester has been a breeze. The second has come with ailments, aches, headaches and of course a growing waistline. I promise, we'll share the expanded belly pictures soon since that in itself is a laugh a minute.
Dwayne takes great pleasure in reminding me to "not eat too much, watch what I eat, and the fact that I'm 'not small to begin with'". Jeesh! I could probably get rid of the scale and measure my development by just the comments from Dwayne.

The ironic part is I haven't bought any junk food (nor eaten it for 98% of the time) but our cupboards and freezer are filled with chips and ice cream. In the rare event I have felt the need for some ice cream its always been empty. Yup, Dwayne's sympathy symptoms continue and he's been wolfing down the ice cream and chips.
Our ultra sound today was another 'surprise' ultrasound. We're already figuring that these two will be shoe ins for the movie industry as they'll be so used to preforming for the camera. At the very least we figure they'll have the Truman Show Complex...the feeling that someone's watching.
Both heartbeats are looking very strong: 153 and 155. We also got a quick glimsp of the genders. Now we're keeping it to ourselves and we're welcoming as many guesses as possible. Right now the gender guess is still VERY early so we're certainly not runnin out to buy anything pink or blue. We'll know more at the 18 week ultrasound (3 more weeks) and if more conclusive by then we'll share. Until then, we're continuing to have fun guessing and hope that anyone who reads this will guess as well.
That's about it for now. The giddyness continues and we seriously can't wait to meet these two.
R & D

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