Ok, so life has thrown us a curveball. Or should we say, another curveball!
We had a horrible experience on Friday at 16 weeks and 2 days when I started gushing amniotic fluid. Turned out that Baby B's sac has ruptured and he/she had lost most of its fluid.
Rest assured, at an ultrasound later in the day we saw two beautiful heartbeats. And though Baby b was squished due to lack of fluid, he/she was doing well.
The first course of action was administering antibiotics via an IV in the hopes of preventing any infection in baby b asap. Then, I had a 48 hour wait (following a full day in Emergency). So after 3 days in the hospital we're back at home.
For the record, bed rest isn't as fun as i thought it would be. It doesn't take long for the kinks and aches to set in.
The good news is everything seems to have settled down and theres no sign of the previous bleeding/spotting/leaking I've been having for the last 5+ weeks.
Still, we have a long way to go but we're optimistic that they're both little fighters and we'll pull through.
Thrusday is our next ultrasound to see how the little gaffers are doing and to determine if Baby B's sac continues to build up with fluid.
We're optimistic that everything will be well and that this little set back is more keeping mom uncomfortable for the next 20 so weeks (fingers crossed) than any cause for concern.
R & D