Sunday, November 23, 2014


I arrived home yesterday.  Not just for a day-pass like they originally planned.

When I woke on Saturday, resigned to the fact that I would be a patient at St. Paul's for the entire weekend I popped out of my room for my morning walk-a-bout. I immediately bumped into Dr. Ramanathan, the "head of the department" who was on duty when I first arrived at the CCU at St. Paul's.  As I walked passed saying good morning he called my name, I turned around and he said "would you like to go home today?" I responded with "Do I have to come back tonight?" but his response was "Sorry, yes".  With a little chuckle and I said "yes, I would love to go home today" and he proceeded to promise to arrange for a day-pass.

A few hours later I was preparing for my day-pass only to have the nurse come in and say "don't get too far ahead of yourself, you may actually go home today for good".

So here I am, home around 2:00 pm yesterday, a quick stop at home to hug, cuddle and soak up the girls and then a quick trip to Sheena's (Blown Away Spa) to get my hair washed...another wash is scheduled for Monday.  I expect that I may be able to shower as early as Tuesday baring any wound complications.  Regardless, LOVE, LOVE having clean hair.  Outside of the girls and Dwayne, maybe the best thing with coming home.

Its been a wonderful weekend home.  I'm achy, I'm scared and I'm incredibly thankful of everything I have in my life.   This includes my girls, my husband, my family, my friends, neighbours, acquaintances and even strangers who have reached out.

We have been given wonderfully kind tokens of food, thought, generosity, gifts and most of all, support and empathy.

What happens next?  Well currently I wait to hear back from the blood tests they did last week to determine if I'm a carrier for TB.  The reason being, the prednisode I''ll be taking can re-activate a dormant TB and ideally I'll want to deal with that prior to starting any meds (or at least deal with it in tandem).  Outside of that its just a waiting game, fingers crossed that my heart doesn't jump to its own beat as I want to avoid the 1-2 punch as much as possible.

I'll also get an eye exam this week at a minimum.  It may not be the one the doctors booked but I'm moving forward on my own booked exam just for peace of mind.

In addition to that, my critical illness coverage provides me access to Best Doctors and I've got the team in St. Paul's compiling my files to send for a review, assessment and treatment recommendation in the hopes that it either matches, or possibly provides some insight into possible new alternatives that could tip the scale in my favour.

Outside of that I wait.  I feel good, I don't dwell too much on the "what ifs" right now (easy to do when I feel pretty good) and I plan.  Plan for the worst case scenario and plan for the best case scenario.  Either way, I'm committed to doing what I can to have all my bases covered.

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