Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hear Hear

Its important that I start this post off with a disclaimer that the below is all suspect and we don't know anything for sure...not till Tuesday when she will have a hearing test.  But till then, my mind, imagination and worries are ramping up a mile a minute fearing the worst.

One of the side effects (if it can be called a side effect) of CDH is hearing loss.  They don't know why it happens, just that until up to age 5 its a far too common issue with CDH babies.

Payton had a hearing test just before leaving the hospital on Sept 23rd.  She passed it with flying colours. 

When she came home we began the process of meeting with various medical staff here in Squamish to determine what resources we would need to utilize for Payton to ensure she has normal development (or as normal as possible).

One of the questions we were asked was whether she was making coo'ing noises.  It was something I didn't have an answer for since she was so 'new' to home.  From there I started watching for coo'ing noises.  After a few days both mom and I established that yes, she was coo'ing.  I became complaicent with this development and instead focused on areas where I knew Payton needed work (her tummy time and head stability).

About a week ago something made me revisit the coo'ing (or lack of).  Over the last week I've been trying to get Payton to coo.  I've also been realizing that she doesn't respond to gentle voices (she still hears loud noises).    And from what I've read, the lack of  coo'ing (or stopping this) in infants is most commonly caused by hearing loss.

Her lack of response to gentle sounds has made me worried about possiblities of her lying on the autism spectrum  (one study showed CDH babies have a 7% chance of autism) right through to hearing loss.

Rest assured we'll know for sure on Tuesday.  Until then I continue to worry and stress about Payton having another uphill battle in life to overcome.  I know that looking at her and knowing what she has overcome if this is her future, she will tackle this too.   She won't know anything different that what and who she is - and that person is and will always be just perfect.


Corinne said...

Renee, I know that feeling of fretting about the unknown, and the sadness of knowing that you CDH baby may have another challenge to work with. Samuel has a visual impairment as well as the CDH. They don't think that the two are related and it just sucks that he got a double-whammy.

I hope that Payton will get the all-clear on her hearing test but I also know, as you do, that you will be the best mommy she could hope for with whatever is to come in her life.

Sending strength...
Corinne in Calgary
Mama to Samuel, lcdh, Feb1/11

Unknown said...

Good luck on Tuesday with the hearing test. There are many reasons for hearing issues -most commonly a bit of fluid in the middle ear left over from a cold. As far as the cooing goes, young babies also don't muti-task well so if working on one area of development the other areas can take a backseat. Does she like to look at your face and interact with you without making sounds?

Anonymous said...

Let's pray that all goes well with the hearing. She is a beautiful little girl and very precious no matter what journey life takes her on. She is such a little fighter that she will adapt should she need to.
Love Grandma Helen

Anonymous said...

Hello, Renee
Payton's hearing test - will be a success - she hears perfectly!!
Love yous, Auntie Bev