Two days ago I noticed that Livy's top left tooth had broken through (we had been waiting and watching it for quite a while) and today I noticed that two more to the right of it had broken through as well.
So as of today, Livy has 5. Count em, 1-2-3-4-5 teeth!!
Some of the other fun things that Livy has done over the last 3 weeks include:
- playing peek-a-boo (she'll use blankets, curtains and cover her own head and poke her head out. She has the "duhhhhaaa" part down but not the "peek-a-boo" part quite yet.
- she can move on her Pukylind bike (not very far and not very well but she's got some forward motion figured out).
- she can stand on her own and sit down unassisted (she's doesn't like standing on her own too much as it requires her focus and balance).
Here's a few photos taken waaayyy back in April. Teeth pictures to come when we can get her to open her mouth long enough.
Too cute for words.
Livy hanging on her "second" bike. This one fit her first though (only now she's only allowed on when she's wearing her helmet).
Goofy Girl
Daddy's version of putting Livy to bed....nuff said.
Trying to figure out why babies smell so good (most of the time).
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