Sunday, September 27, 2009


Yup, you read that correctly. Today was Legendary.

It all started when I woke up this morning and Livy was tucked inside my arm snoring away - grunting the odd time with her little T-Rex grunts. Legendary for me, maybe not for anyone else...

For Livy though, her Legendary was that for the first time we noticed that she's pretty much holding her head up. Sure, she does the odd bobble head but she manages to catch herself. We (of course) took a video. Today (day of video) Livy is 6 weeks and 2 days old.

For me, it was Legendary a second time when I went out on my first cross country mtn bike ride in over 11 months. It was...well, Legendary!!

I felt better than I thought I was going to though I'll admit I'm definitely going to be saddle sore.


Dave & Sara said...

Hi - I absolutely love this post! I can't believe what a little lady she is becoming already; holding that head up. She's a strong beautiful little girl. The slippers are a hoot.

oh averages and doctors really have no bearing on Livy - because we both know averages and doctors can be oh so wrong :-)

A Mused said...

Sara, so true about the doctors and averages.

Ironically, we always seem to fall on the low odds side of this. Funny how this has extended to Olivia. :)