Livy had a 6 week measurement today at the doctors. Not surprisingly it was confirmed that she is growing very well. In fact, perhaps a bit too well.
Livy's such an anomaly with her height and weight that she wouldn't be included in any statistics. She's quite literally "off the charts".
In an attempt to better describe where she fits, if she was in the 99th percentile, that would mean that out of 100 kids, Livy would be longer and heavier than 99 of them. That's
IF she was in the 99th percentile.
In actuality, Livy is so big that if she was measured against 100 babies her age, the experts compiling the statistics would look at her and say "she's too big and isn't properly representative of a baby this age in length and weight" and would thus be 'discarded'. Her measurements wouldn't be included (much like that baby born at 19+lbs in Indonesia wouldn't be included in the stats of an average size baby nor would a premie be used as a comparison).
Now, Livy's auntie Deanna is a giant in her own right (almost 6ft to Dwayne's 5'10") so we're hopeful that her (Livy that is) size today is more representative of her being a 'tall' girl rather then the alternative.
In all, Livy weighs over 13 lbs (5.94 kgs), is 60.6 cm (23.86 inches) and her head measures 38 1/2 cm in circumference.
As always we'll include a picture (since that's what everyone really wants to see).
A preclude - Each year Dwayne and I try to make it to October before turning on the natural gas heater. This year is no exception (though I did cheat and turn on the base board heater this morning in Livy's room). Today, it was exceptionally cold in the house and though I was ready to cave and light it up, Dwayne is being a die hard and refuses to budge.
So, here's a picture of Livy and Dwayne watching TV on the couch. Livy of course is bundled up against the cold...and you can see how cold it is by how well Dwayne bundled her up (poor girl).