Friday, May 22, 2009

28 weeks 2 days

So, its been brought to my attention that my blog is seriously out of date....opps!

Obviously its time for an update.

Mmm, lets see.

1. Still pregnant
2. Developing my own gravitational force (seriously!!)
3. Trying to get active again (but my butt hurts from being so heavy and sitting on a bike seat for the first time in XX many months).
4. Starting to think I may actually have to plan some things (especially since we're not going to buy anything till we're in the hospital). Apparently planning is good...apparently it makes the chaos later more like organized chaos.
5. Still don't know the gender - we think we will find out and I'll update when we do.

Otherwise all is going well in our household. Dwayne's doing well and this time around he's been checking in on various gestational updates to see where we're at. I still haven't convinced him to give up a whole Saturday to take a pre-natal class but he did commit to half a day. I figure if I go the other half we should have it all covered :). (which reminds me our OB is pressuring us to get this booked)

Speaking of OB our appointment yesterday was pretty standard stuff. FINALLY I stopped gaining excessive amounts of weight and I may have even dropped a pound from our 24 week appointment. Trust me, I can afford it!! (and from the size of my belly so too can this baby).

This hefty little (and I say little with my tongue in cheek) parasite is measuring 3 weeks ahead so as of yesterday, 28w1d, we measured 31 weeks. Our OB assured us though that we're still within normal range (and really, 3 weeks ahead is only 3 cm...factoring in room for error and I think we're possibly measuring spot on - at least that's what I'm telling myself).

Dwayne admitted yesterday after the appointment that he thinks he was ~ 10 pounds at birth (and his sister not much smaller). I said if this baby is that big and he/she rips me a 'new one' then that's what I'm naming him/her (and it won't be 'new one''ll be first name '***', middle name 'hole').

In the meantime I will post a few pics (clothed and bare belly - don't get too excited).

I'll also add other photos accordingly (to appropriate dates) along the way.


1 comment:

Dave & Sara said...

You are looking fabulous as ever!!! Love reading the blog, keep it up!