Tuesday, June 26, 2012

1st Step

Ok, I can't legitimately call it a 1st step because I think it was by accident but yesterday Payton did actually take her first step while not holding on to anything (at least the 1st step I noticed).

For what its worth she is standing like a champ.  She's also climbing like a champ, onto chairs (dangerous ones too) and any chance she gets up stairs.  It would seem though that walking just isn't her forte.  She is just not interested yet.  She crawls at incredibly speeds getting to where she needs/wants to go and like a shot is up and standing and getting into what she's not supposed to...so why ruin it with walking right?? 

I'm sure she knows also that Livy is a force to be reckoned with and its much safer keeping her centre of gravity closer to the ground. :)

She's babbling and is a hoot to listen to.  I believe, much like Livy, her 1st official word (not found in the dictionary) was "daaa" as in Daaa, Peek-a-boo.  Now she is saying a shortened version of "down" and will point to a light when asked "where's the light?".  She'll also (intermittently) clap on command, put her hands up in the air and generally, without fail, she'll High-Five.

Olivia too is a constant source of entertainment.  Dwayne and my commute in the morning if often full of reminescing of what words, phrases and actions Livy has done.  Like last night, running down the hall Dwayne telling her to put on pants.  Her reply "no, that's ok.  I don't need any pants right now.  I'm ok".

Or going through Dwayne's wallet and pulling out his various ID and exclaiming "Ohh Daddy, you look sooooo embarassed here" and the next one she pulls out "Ohh Daddy, you look so happy here".    We say we'll never forget these moments of pure joy but I know we will and it makes me sad while at the same time makes me forever grateful I got to be part of it.

Here's a few photos of us from the last few weeks. 

 My girls!!

 There's trouble brewing in those eyes...

 Cindy Crawford, eat your heart out!!

Payton loving the avocado and Mommy loving the teeth.

 Matching outfits (sort of)

 The very important pre-ride trip to the coffee shop coupled with
deep thoughts of what today's ride will bring.

 Pure joy...puddle jumping!!

...And puddle running.

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